Johnson and Johnson Contact Lenses
Johnson and Johnson is the world's number one contact lens brand, owning Vistakon to produce their products. Johnson & Johnson has long been known as an industry innovator - pioneering disposable soft lenses and daily disposables among others. Johnson and Johnson contact lenses is available from Optical Center UK on its website.
ACUVUE Contact Lenses at their best:confortul ACUVUE contact lenses feature an exclusive design inspired by the natural tear film of your eye, providing comfortable and hydrating support throughout the day.
Johnson and Johnson's Acuvue contact lenses are among the most acclaimed on the market today, boasting an array of helpful features that make them a smart choice for anyone who wears contact lenses. With options suitable for all eye types and vision conditions as well as sensitive eyes, these contacts make an excellent addition to anyone's contact lens collection.
Acuvue contacts come in both daily disposable and monthly contact lens styles, providing comfort and ease of use. Furthermore, these lenses may help correct common vision conditions like nearsightedness and farsightedness as well as astigmatism and presbyopia. Plus they come in different colors and materials so you can find your ideal pair for each eye type!
Johnson and Johnson's Vistakon division has recently released an innovative contact lens that automatically adjusts to changing lighting conditions, helping protect eyes against uncomfortable or reduced vision clarity conditions. It was granted FDA clearance and is being sold by Johnson & Johnson Vision Care under the name Acuvue Oasys with Transitions.
Acuvue 1 Day Acuvue Moist is one of Acuvue's most sought-after daily disposable lenses, featuring high levels of UV blocking. Crafted from Etalfilcon A hydrogel material with LACREON wetting technology inspired by tears to provide increased hydration, these visibility tinted lenses also come equipped with an inversion indicator and visibility tint indicator, making them easy to handle.
Contact lenses that meet these standards are ideal for most wearers, including those with astigmatism. Though approved for overnight use, sleeping in contact lenses should be avoided as this can lead to dry eyes and other serious health risks.
If you prefer weekly disposable lenses, try the Acuvue Oasys 2-Week lenses. Soft and spherical in shape, these soft lenses provide clear vision for up to two weeks before needing replacement. Easy handling thanks to visibility tint and inversion indicator; plus comes complete with convenient case.
Acuvue 2 Day AcuLuxe These biweekly contact lenses are suitable for most wearers and come in an assortment of shades to complement all eye types. Extremely comfortable to wear, these soft hydrogel lenses feature LACREON wetting technology which emulates your tear film to keep them moisturised throughout wear time.
Acuvue 2 Day AcuLuxe lenses can also be worn for extended wear; however, prior to exceeding recommended usage timeframes it is wise to consult your eye care practitioner first. Regular cleaning and removal are key in order to keep these lenses free from dirt or debris which could potentially lead to infections of the eyes.
Acuvue 2 multifocal lenses are an excellent option for anyone in search of multifocal glasses, providing near and farsighted correction while decreasing halos and starburst at night. Furthermore, these lenses may help those experiencing presbyopia (an age-related condition in which it becomes difficult to focus on nearby objects).